The Cash Hyde Foundation – DFW NORML Beach Party.

The Cash Hyde Foundation was graciously invited to attend the DFW NORML Beach Party 2012 at Froggy’s Boathouse in Fort Worth on Saturday, July 21st.

The event, which included musicians and booths in support of marijuana regulations as well as medical marijuana alternatives, aimed to raise awareness and come together to show the full support the DFW area has in backing up these issues.

DFW NORML has been on the front lines of Cannabis activism in the North Texas area for a number of years and has made fantastic strides to raising awareness by engaging and educating the public to the facts around Cannabis Prohibition in a positive and professional manner.

Through the spring and summer months, the Cash Hyde Foundation has been honored to be included in numerous events and have found the outpouring of support for activists and non-activists alike to be heartwarming and inspiring. Thanks to generous sponsors like these and individual donations, the Cash Hyde Foundation has been able to raise enough funds to begin with the first North Texas based “Reggae Run” in the coming weeks.

In the Reggae Run, the Cash Hyde Foundation aims to expand the presence of customized Little Tyke cars in hospitals across the North Texas area. Previous Reggae Runs such as the one spear-headed recently by the foundation in San Francisco have shown wide support and much success in getting children with cancer an opportunity to smile and laugh.

With the support of this recent event, we only hope to see as much success in the future weeks in our own local DFW area.

To become educated and learn how to support this event, visit

By Jennifer McElroy


